Type Projections Management Pack

October 25, 2013 Posted by Alexander Axberg

(Last update, 2014-09-09)

A couple of years ago, Travis released some excellent Management Packs containing several different Type Projections for a specific type of Work Items, which you could use to speed up the Query in your views instead of using the “(advanced)” type projections. Very useful.

The one for Change Requests is located here: http://blogs.technet.com/b/servicemanager/archive/2011/09/19/new-change-request-type-projections-management-pack.aspx
and for Incidents: http://blogs.technet.com/b/servicemanager/archive/2010/12/02/faq-why-is-my-custom-incident-view-so-slow.aspx

So what I’ve done is to gather all of these  type projections and put them all in the same Management Pack (and added some own too).

The Management Pack i sealed, so you can use these type projections in any view you want, regardless of what Management Pack the view is stored in. You can download it at the bottom of the post.

It will probably be updated in the future with more useful type projections

The following type projections are included in the pack:

Incident (Primary Owner)
Incident (Affected User)
Incident (Assigned To User)
Incident (Created By User)
Incident (Resolved By User)
Incident (Closed By User)
Incident (Assigned and Affected User)
Incident (Assigned To, Affected, and Primary Onwer User)
Incident (Assigned To, Affected, Primary Owner, Created By User)
Incident (Assigned To, Affected, Primary Owner, Created By, Resolved By User)
Incident (Assigned To, Affected, Primary Owner, Created By, Resolved By, Closed By User)
Incident (Created By, Resolved By, Closed By)
Incident (Created By, Assigned To, Resolved By, Closed By)
Incident (Created By, Assigned To, Primary Owner, Resolved By, Closed By)
Incident (Related Work Items)
Incident (Related Work Items, Assigned To, Affected User)
Incident (Related Knowledge Articles)
Incident (Affected Services)
Incident (Affected Configuration Items)
Incident (Related Manual Activities)
Incident (Affected User, Assigned To, Related CIs – both ways)
Incident (Affected User, Assigned To, SLA)
Incident (SLA, Affected, Assigned To)
Incident (SLA, Affected, Assigned To, Affected Services)
Problem (Assigned To)
Problem (Affects Service)
Problem (Related WorkItems)
Change Request (Created By, Assigned To, Affected User)
Change Request (Created By User)
Change Request (Assigned To User)
Change Request (Affected User)
Change Request (Assigned To, Affected User)
Change Request (Created By, Affected User)
Change Request (Created By, Assigned To User)
Change Request (Activities)
Change Request (Related Work Items)
Change Request (Related Configuration Items)
Change Request (File Attachments)
Change Request (Knowledge Articles)
Change Request (Activity, Assigned To)
Service Request (Assigned To, Affected User)
Service Request (Activity)
Service Request (Related Configuration Items)
Service Request (Affected User)
Service Request (Assigned To)
Service Request (Related Work Items)
Service Request (Activity, Assigned To)
Service Request (SLA, Affected, Assigned To, Affected Items)
Service Request (Knowledge Articles)
Service Request (Affected Items)
Service Request (File Attachment)
Service Request (Assigned To, Affected User, Created By)
User (Manager, Reporting)
Manual Activity (Created By, Assigned To)
Manual Activity (Parent WI Assigned To)
Manual Activity (Parent WI Assigned To, Assigned To)
Service (Owned By, Service Customers, Affectes Users)
