In this post I will show how to make a bulk update of Service Owner and Serviced By User relations on specific Business Services.
Since these relations are located on the System.Service class, which is abstract, we can’t use a regular CSV import in Service Manager.
However, we can solve it with some Powershell magic and SMLets.
You need to start with installing SMLets and load it in a powershell console (
Then you need to prepare your import data. It should be saved as a CSV-file with semicolon separation, and contain the following columns:
- Displayname of the Business Service ; sAMAccountName of the Service Owner ; sAMAccountName of the Serviced By User
Here is one example of two rows:
Active Directory;user123;user456
- Name the CSV-file “input.csv” and put it in your c:\temp directory
- Copy the powershellscript to the same directory
- Run the script. The script will search for the displayname, and then update the relations for each row.
- All updated services will be logged to the file “updated.txt”
- If some service coudn’t be found and updated, they will be logged to “failed.txt”
Powershell script:
$input = Get-Content C:\temp\input.txt $row = $null $ServiceOwner_RelClass = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass System.ConfigItemOwnedByUser$ $ServiceResp_RelClass = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass System.ConfigItemServicedByUser$ Foreach ($row in $input) { $data = $null $service_displayname = $null $owner_user = $null $resp_user = $null $data = $row.Split(";") $service_displayname = $data[0] $owner_user = $data[1] $resp_user = $data[2] $service = $null $row2 = $null $ServiceOwner = $null $ServiceResp = $null #Check array for all columns If ($data.Length -eq 3) { $service = get-scsmobject (get-scsmclass System.Service$) -Filter "Displayname -eq '$service_displayname'" #Service not found? If ($service -eq $null) { Write-Host "$service_displayname not found!" -ForegroundColor Red $service_displayname | Out-File c:\temp\failed.txt -Append} #Service found! Else { $service_displayname + " = " + $service.Displayname $Service.Displayname | out-file c:\temp\updated.txt -Append $ServiceOwner = Get-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass Microsoft.AD.User$) -filter "Username -eq '$owner_user'" $ServiceResp = Get-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass Microsoft.AD.User$) -filter "Username -eq '$resp_user'" New-SCSMRelationshipObject -Relationship $ServiceOwner_RelClass -Source $Service -Target $ServiceOwner -Bulk New-SCSMRelationshipObject -Relationship $ServiceResp_RelClass -Source $Service -Target $ServiceResp -Bulk } } }