Here’s a little powershell script that I use for exporting all unsealed MPs. It’s really useful to run once in a while so you have a backup of all unsealed MPs.
The script will create a new folder with the current date and store all MPs in that folder. Change the $OutPutDir variable to a folder of your choice.
Add-PSSnapin SMCMDLetSnapIn $OutPutDir = "C:\Unsealed MPs\" $UnsealedMPs = Get-SCSMManagementPack | ?{ ! $_.Sealed } $CurrentDate = Get-Date $CurrentDate = $CurrentDate.ToShortDateString() $CompletePath = ($OutPutDir + $CurrentDate) if ( ! (test-path $CompletePath)) { $output = New-Item -Type Directory -Name $CurrentDate -Path $OutPutDir } $UnsealedMPs | %{ " Exporting: {0}" -f $_.Name $_ | Export-SCSMManagementPack -directory "$CompletePath" }
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